Your idea, your good right.

Your innovations, products, brands and designs are among other things especially one: Your personal Property. And that should stay this way. Therefore, we support you in obtaining and enforcing your rights, nationally as well as internationally.



Patents protect technical inventions for up to twenty years. The way to obtaining a patent is usually a short, yet arduous one. We know the road, gain momentum, avoid obstacles and barriers and bring you to your destination while avoiding any extra miles.



While obtaining a patent can take up to years, a utility model protects your technical inventions within weeks. While registering your model we take care of any required, as well as useful steps to meet deadlines and dates and obtain your right for you as swiftly as possible.



Brands are marks of success and uniqueness. And uniqueness must be protected for its own sake. But also in order for a brand to retain its high-profile position on the market. We obtain, supervise and maintain the protection of your brand, worldwide if needed.



By registering your designs, you protect your product’s outward appearance. It is also possible to protect only parts of creations that are being either crafted or industrially produced. We assure that you hold the monopoly on your design for a defined period in Germany and abroad.



Our clients are active on a global scale and so are we. Through our international network we are capable of tending to our client’s industrial property rights all over the globe.